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Large Dzambhala Wealth Prayer Flags
Large Dzambhala Wealth Prayer Flags
Our Price: $35.00

Quantity in Stock:11

Availability:: Usually Ships in 2 to 4 Weeks
Product Code: NTC-424

Description Features

Five different designs are printed on 5 colors of polyester fabric and sewn onto ropes in horizontal display: Blue - Longevity Flag is represent by Black Dzambhala, White - Purification Flag by White Dzambhala, Red - Wishfufilling Flag by Red Dzambhala, Green - Magnetizing Flag by Green Dzambhala, and Yellow - Enriching Flag by Yellow Dzambhala. They come pre-sewn in sets of 5 flags.

These are very well made and last much longer than most prayer flags and its color does not fade easily. Prayer flags are printed with sacred images of the aforesaid wealth gods, prayers and mantras. It is said that wherever the wind that touches them goes, it will carry the beneficial power of the prayers to any beings it meets. Thus bringing more wealth into every area of life.

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